Are You a Thinker or an Adventurer…?
In an oversimplified way, you are either a thinker or an adventurer. Depending on which of this sides you empathize more with I have two sets of advice for you….
If you are more of a Thinker you’re like me. And here’s something for you to think about….
While making contemplative observations is valuable, that’s not all there is to life. Thinking about life should also be followed by actually living it. No matter how much you overthink, your emotions and you are not burdens. And even if you are a burden, you’ll come across souls who will take pride and joy in carrying that burden. Sometimes you’ll have to learn to let people in. Even if it ends up being a mistake, that mistake will only make you a better person….
That’s how you grow….
If you are an Adventurer, I probably envy you a little. I’ll probably never be able to be spontaneous and go with the flow like you. But some things about life need to slow down. Sometimes you need to stop to think. Growth is a process of making positive changes that cumulate into something significant. But to make the right change, you need to be able to notice what needs to be changed and why. And then deciding what the right change should be. Making that observation needs slowing down once in a while….
Care to join an adventure?
I’ve published a lame cheesy short story that’ll make you think about yourself and some of your choices. Currently it’s available on Amazon Kindle my Gumroad page….